Belajar TOEFL PBT Model Lama Part 1

Berikut adalah contoh soal TOEFL PBT model lama section Listening Comprehension part A Short Conversation beserta transkrip audio, jawaban, dan pembahasan jawaban:

Transkrip Audio:

Man: Hey, do you know where the post office is?
Woman: Yes, it's just down the street. Go two blocks and then turn left. You'll see it on the corner.
Man: Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
Woman: No problem. Have a good day.


1. What is the man looking for?
a. The woman's house
b. The post office
c. The bank
d. The grocery store
Jawaban: b. The post office

Pembahasan: Pada awal percakapan, pria bertanya kepada wanita apakah dia tahu di mana kantor pos berada. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah "the post office" atau "kantor pos".

2. Where is the post office located?
a. Two blocks down on the right
b. Two blocks down on the left
c. Three blocks down on the right
d. Three blocks down on the left
Jawaban: b. Two blocks down on the left

Pembahasan: Wanita memberikan petunjuk ke pria bahwa kantor pos berada "just down the street" atau "hanya beberapa blok ke bawah jalan tersebut". Kemudian dia mengatakan untuk belok kiri dan kantor pos akan berada di sudut. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah "two blocks down on the left" atau "dua blok ke bawah di sebelah kiri".

3. What does the man say to the woman after she gives him directions?
a. Have a good day
b. Thank you, but I know the way
c. That's not very helpful
d. I don't think that's correct
Jawaban: a. Have a good day

Pembahasan: Setelah wanita memberikan petunjuk kepada pria, dia mengucapkan terima kasih dan mengatakan bahwa dia menghargainya. Wanita itu kemudian mengatakan "no problem" dan pria itu mengucapkan "Have a good day". Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah "Have a good day" atau "Semoga harimu menyenangkan".

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal TOEFL PBT Model Lama Section Listening Comprehension Part B Long Conversation beserta transkrip audio, jawaban, dan pembahasan jawaban:

Transkrip Audio:

Man: Hi, I'm interested in enrolling in your language program. Could you tell me a little more about it?
Woman: Sure, our program is designed to help students develop strong communication skills in English. We offer classes at all levels, from beginner to advanced, and we focus on both spoken and written communication.
Man: That sounds great. What's the average class size?
Woman: Our classes have about 12 students on average, but some classes may have up to 15 students. We believe that smaller class sizes allow for more individual attention and better learning outcomes.
Man: I see. And how long does the program last?
Woman: Our program is divided into 8-week sessions, and you can enroll in as many sessions as you like. Most students stay with us for 2-4 sessions, depending on their goals and progress.
Man: Okay. And what kind of materials do you use in the classes?
Woman: We use a variety of materials, including textbooks, audio and video resources, and online tools. We also incorporate real-life situations and conversations into our lessons to help students apply what they learn in a practical way.
Man: That sounds very comprehensive. And how much does the program cost?
Woman: Our tuition fees vary depending on the length of the program and the number of sessions you enroll in. We also offer discounts for early registration and group enrollment. I can give you more detailed information if you're interested.
Man: Yes, please. That would be great.


1. What is the purpose of the language program mentioned in the conversation?
a. To provide students with individual attention
b. To help students develop strong communication skills in English
c. To offer classes at all levels of language proficiency
d. To incorporate real-life situations and conversations into lessons
Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Dalam percakapan, wanita menjelaskan bahwa tujuan dari program bahasa mereka adalah untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi yang kuat dalam bahasa Inggris.

2. What is the average class size in the program?
a. 8-10 students
b. 10-12 students
c. 12-15 students
d. 15-20 students
Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Wanita menjelaskan bahwa kelas mereka memiliki rata-rata 12 siswa, tetapi beberapa kelas mungkin memiliki hingga 15 siswa.

3. How long does each session of the program last?
a. 4 weeks
b. 6 weeks
c. 8 weeks
d. 10 weeks
Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Wanita menjelaskan bahwa program mereka dibagi menjadi sesi 8 minggu.

4. What kind of materials are used in the program?
a. Only textbooks
b. Audio and video resources only
c. A variety of materials, including textbooks, audio and video resources, and online tools
d. Real-life situations and conversations only
Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Wanita menjelaskan bahwa program mereka menggunakan berbagai macam materi, termasuk buku teks, sumber daya audio dan video, dan alat online. Mereka juga mencakup situasi dan percakapan kehidupan nyata dalam pelajaran mereka.

5. How much does the program cost?
a. The same for everyone
b. Different for each session
c. Based on the number of students in each class
d. Based on the number of sessions enrolled and early registration or group discounts
Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: Wanita menjelaskan bahwa biaya program bervariasi tergantung pada durasi program dan jumlah sesi yang diikuti. Mereka juga menawarkan diskon untuk pendaftaran awal dan pendaftaran kelompok. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah d.

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal TOEFL PBT model lama untuk bagian Listening Comprehension Part C: Talk beserta transkrip audio, jawaban, dan pembahasan jawaban.

Transkrip Audio:

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I’d like to talk to you about the history of our city, New York. New York is one of the oldest cities in the United States, and its history is rich and varied. The first settlers arrived in what is now New York in the early 1600s. These settlers were Dutch, and they founded the city of New Amsterdam on the southern tip of Manhattan Island. The English took control of the city in 1664 and renamed it New York. Throughout the 1700s, New York grew and prospered as a center of trade and commerce. In 1785, it became the capital of the newly-formed United States, and it remained the capital until 1790. During the 1800s, New York continued to grow rapidly, and it became known as the financial capital of the world. The city was also a center of culture and the arts, and it attracted many artists and writers, including Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain. Today, New York is still a vibrant and exciting city, with a rich history that is celebrated by millions of people around the world.


1. What is the talk mainly about?
(A) The history of New York
(B) The settlers of New York
(C) The city of New Amsterdam
(D) The growth of New York in the 1700s

Jawaban: (A) The history of New York

Pembahasan: Pada pembukaan talk, pembicara menyatakan bahwa ia ingin membicarakan tentang sejarah kota New York. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) The history of New York.

2. When did the English take control of New Amsterdam?
(A) 1600
(B) 1664
(C) 1785
(D) 1790

Jawaban: (B) 1664

Pembahasan: Dalam transkrip audio, pembicara menyatakan bahwa Inggris mengambil kontrol kota New Amsterdam pada tahun 1664. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) 1664.

3. When did New York become the financial capital of the world?
(A) The 1600s
(B) The 1700s
(C) The 1800s
(D) The 1900s

Jawaban: (C) The 1800s

Pembahasan: Dalam transkrip audio, pembicara menyatakan bahwa pada abad ke-19, New York tumbuh dengan pesat dan menjadi dikenal sebagai pusat keuangan dunia. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) The 1800s.

09 Maret 2023