Lowongan Kerja Occupational Health Physician di Siloam Hospitals Group Tbk Sumbawa NTB

Klik di sini untuk melamar.
atau Kirim lamaran lengkap ke recruitment@siloamhospitals.com

Job Qualifications:

Physician with at least 3 years post-graduation experience in general medicine holding a certificate/diploma/MSc in occupational medicine. (Not include internship).
Have an associate membership with a professional organization such as the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.
Have experience in managing occupational health and industrial hygiene program in industrial setting (preferably Mining Industry), including specific implemented Health Surveillance programs.
HIPERKES certified.
Strong in communication & interpersonal skill.
Have experience in administration and familiar with using MS Office.
Capable to communicate in English for both written and oral.
Willing to be placed in Sumbawa area.

Pertanyaan dari perusahaan
Lamaran kamu akan mencakup pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
What's your expected monthly basic salary?
How many years' experience do you have as an Occupational Physician?
Are you willing to relocate for this role?
Laporkan iklan lowongan ini
Jangan berikan detail bank atau kartu kredit kamu saat mengirimkan lamaran kerja.
19 April 2024