Smelter - Fresh Graduate Program (Diploma/Associate Degree's) PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Sumbawa Barat NTB

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Amman Mineral Industri at Sumbawa Island in Indonesia has a Smelter complex where Copper concentrate, received from the Batu Hijau mines, is converted through a process of smelting and electro refining to copper cathodes of specified purity for shipment to customers. Sulphuric acid and precious metals such as gold, silver and selenium are produced as by products for sale to customers.



Associate Degree/ Diploma Degree in Metallurgy, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation
Graduate during 2021 – 2023 from National & Overseas Universities, or you could have working experiences max in 2 years
GPA (IPK) min 3.2 of 4.0
Fluency in both written and spoken English; and computer literate
·Willing to locate on site at Sumbawa Barat.
Pertanyaan dari perusahaan
Lamaran kamu akan mencakup pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
How would you rate your English language skills?
Are you willing to relocate for this role?
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Jangan berikan detail bank atau kartu kredit kamu saat mengirimkan lamaran kerja.
05 Januari 2024