Senior Specialist Ecology Monitoring PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Sumbawa Barat NTB

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Some of your duties will include:

Oversee the ecology monitoring conducted internally and or by the consultants.
Support coordination work schedules and staffing requirements on a weekly basis with other Senior Supervisor to utilize staff in an efficient manner to minimize unnecessary overtime.
Review ENV Ecology specialists and Environmental Monitoring Technicians leave requests.
Evaluate ENV Monitoring Technicians competency on ecology. 
Conduct ENV Ecology Specialist evaluations using their performance management trackers and yearly ENV Monitoring Program /targets. 
Track ENV Ecology specialists and ENV Monitoring Technicians attendance and punctuality to ensure that employees comply with company work schedule policy.
Support Supt. Env. Monitoring in developing suitable training plan to ensure staff and non-staff development in accordance with the duty requirements described on the Job Charts, Performance Management Tracker and monitoring program during the life of mine (LOM).
Participate and utilize PTAMNT’s Great Gold Medal Performance initiatives in the workplace.
Support the Supt. Env. Monitoring ENV Monitoring in fulfilling environmental monitoring obligations to the Senior Managers, Lenders, GOI and PTAMNT Corporate.
Act as the Environmental Emergency On-Call representative when scheduled.
Coordinate and conduct environmental awareness as part of social license to operate.
Operation Coordination Responsibilities
Data Collection: to ensure that the following elements in marine and terrestrial ecology are conducted in accordance with RPL or any related permit requirements
Sample Identification and Data Analysis, as such all data collected and/or produced by the technicians and consultants will be checked for accuracy, representitiveness and completeness.
Data Management and Reporting from consultants on marine and terrestrial ecology including database and trend analysis through previous year report. 

What skills and experience do you need?

Minimum Bachelor’s degree in environmental science, Biology, conservation, Marine science, Ecology (marine and terrestrial)
Hold an operational inspector certificate or qualifications certificate recognized by KaIT (Chief Mines Inspector) in accordance with level of positions; poses relevant technical inspector certificate.
Minimum 8 years’ experience working in the mining industry, environmental ecology monitoring and experiences in marine and/or terrestrial ecology monitoring.
Strong understanding of biodiversity (Biodiversity Management Plan & Critical Habitat Assessment)
Strong understanding of ecological monitoring (marine and terrestrial)
Strong experience of cooperation with ecological consultants (marine and terrestrial)
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English
Able to work on ship and or forest for sampling (marine and terrestrial)
No phobia for diving and or flying (chopper)
Have a diving certificate at least open water level
Pertanyaan dari perusahaan
Lamaran kamu akan mencakup pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
What's your expected monthly basic salary?
How much notice are you required to give your current employer?
Are you willing to relocate for this role?
21 Agustus 2024