SR. CHEMIST LABORATORY (PMR) PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Sumbawa Besar NTB

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To conduct accurate and timely testing and analysis of input, output and in-process material at the PMR Laboratory at Amman Mineral Industri in Sumbawa Island in Indonesia for quality control, quality assurance and metal accounting with respect to production of gold bar, silver bar, selenium) and by-products Tellurium and Platinum & Palladium Group Metal (PGM). 
To achieve norms of productivity and learn continuously towards improvement of technical competencies and multiskilling.

Persyaratan yang ditambahkan oleh pemasang posting pekerjaan
Gelar Sarjana (S-1)
1+ tahun pengalaman kerja dengan Palladium
1+ tahun pengalaman kerja dengan Gold
30 Oktober 2024