Situs Saya Tiba-tiba Terhapus 100% dari Index Bing dan Yandex
situs saya selama ini terindex dengan baik di tetapi tanpa ada perubahan yang saya lakukan, tiba-tiba seluruh situs saya (100%) terhapus dari, saya menjamin seluruh pengaturan website saya tidak mencegah untuk merayapi dan mengindeks, buktinya, sampai detik ini mengindeks dengan normal. settingan robots.txt juga mengizinkan seluruh bot crawler untuk mengindeks situs saya, tidak ada meta tag noindex, atau pengaturan restiction lain yang dapat mencegah bing mengindeks situs saya. Situs saya juga berisi informasi lowongan kerja dan karir untuk wilayah lokal saya di Nusa Tenggara Barat. tidak ada spam atau penipuan atau konten non unik dan konten rendah lainnya, mohon selesaikan permasalahan ini karena sangat sangat merugikan saya. terima kasih sebanyak-banyaknya.Subject: Request for Review: Site Removal from Bing Search Index
Dear Bing Webmaster Support,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance regarding an issue with my website, Recently, I noticed that my entire website has been completely removed from Bing's search index, without any changes or actions taken on my part. I would like to clarify that I have ensured all necessary settings to allow Bingbot to crawl and index my site.
Specifically, I have checked the following:
The robots.txt file on my website allows all crawlers, including Bingbot, to access and index my content. There are no restrictions in place.
There are no meta tags such as noindex, and no settings that would prevent Bing from indexing my content.
The content on my site is original, high-quality, and focused on providing career and job opportunities for the local region of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. I ensure that my site contains no spam, misleading content, or violations of Bing's Webmaster Guidelines.
The site is being indexed correctly by other search engines, including Google, which indicates that there are no technical issues preventing indexing.
I have also verified that no changes have been made on my site that could inadvertently affect Bingbot’s access or indexing.
Given that I am confident that there are no issues on my end, I kindly request that you review my site and investigate any potential reasons why it was removed from Bing's index. This situation is causing significant harm to my business, and I am eager to resolve it as quickly as possible.
If there are any additional steps, information, or actions required on my end, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thank you very much for your time and assistance. I look forward to your prompt response and support in resolving this matter.
Best regards,
Humaedi Suhada/NesiaNet Community/ website owner 6/1 Jan/2025 7.09 PM GMT+8 MAKASSAR
Bing Webmaster Tools<>
Thank you for contacting Bing Webmaster Support Team.
This email is confirmation that we have received your request for and created the following Request REQ00113051.
Take care and stay safe!
06 Januari 2025